Kekeli T-shirts are here!

Through a generous donation from a local screen-printing shop as well as other friends, we now have Kekeli t-shirts! They are the same color and style as the shirts worn by the previous two Kekeli health promoter classes in the North and South Tongu districts, the second of which Olivia helped teach.

The idea behind the shirts is two-fold:

1. The shirts identify the women as Village Health Workers to members of their villages. They are easy to recognize on a consistent basis.


2. The shirts are an identity for the women themselves. When the women volunteer to become Kekeli women, they become part of a team and an asset to their communities. This empowers them in ways they have never experienced before. These shirts help foster that empowerment and identity, which we celebrate.

Thanks to all who have supported us in making and providing these shirts for the project. Enough shirts were donated so that we will be able to leave a second batch for the next VHW teaching program. Exciting stuff!

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