Esther Danyo Deladem is 21 years old, from the Ave-Fiave community in Akatsi. She joined the Kekeli program 2 years ago, and has greatly influenced the health and sanitation of her village. She has improved hygiene and decreased infections by focusing on the importance of hand washing and the cleaning and dressing of wounds. She performs first aid and teaches the community members how to keep their wounds clean.
Her most memorable intervention so far has been a referral to the clinic due to bleeding during pregnancy. Esther recounts that before she was a part of the Kekeli program she would often hear of women bleeding and having miscarriages, and even losing their own lives too. With the knowledge she received from completing the Home Based Life Saving Skills (HBLSS) program she was able to act quickly to help a woman bleeding during pregnancy get to the clinic. This timely referral was able to save the lives of both the woman and the child. Way to go, Esther!