Official Name Change

Over the past several months we have been contemplating changing our name. In our latest newsletter we wrote this:


Since returning from Ghana we have been throwing around the idea of changing the name of the Rural Development Project.

At the heart of our thinking is the notion that our goal is not to single-handedly “develop” Akatsi or any other location we might work in. Rather, our goal is to collaborate with those living in these regions-to empower them to make the changes they seek. We are very sensitive to the often-abused role of the “outsider” in our work. Instead we have chosen to work hand in hand, slowly if need be, to support organic and progressive progress for the poor.

Furthermore, we do not feel our work is best described by the word “project.” We desire to support ongoing programs and to have long-term relationships with folks like David and the Kekeli women. Finally, our current name, while highlighting the rural focus of our efforts, does nothing to convey the focus we place on health.

Our latest idea for a new name is Rural Health Collaborative. Feel free to weigh in with your thoughts on this name or any other ideas you might have.


After receiving good feedback on the proposed name we decided to make it official. Our web-site has been changed to and we have changed our logo. Thank you Sergio Salgado for assisting us with this! We hope you like the new name and are grateful for your support.

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