Baby Shower for Ghana: We Want Your Babies!

So, at RHC we know that most baby showers celebrate a new expected child in someone’s life.  Our idea of an RHC baby shower is slightly different.  We are asking you to come join us for the first ever RHC Baby Shower Fundraiser and bring us your babies! While real life babies are more than welcome,…

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Reducing Maternal Mortality through Home Based Life Saving Skills Course

Home Based Life Saving Skills (HBLSS) is an educational program that trains birth attendants, community health workers, and community members in specific actions aimed at reducing maternal and neonatal mortality.  The program has been studied in several developing countries where it has been effectively disseminated and has been shown to increase actions to prevent hemorrhage…

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Back to Ghana Next Week!

It is New Year’s Day, which means in less than 10 days we are embarking on our return to Ghana. Much unlike the first time I traveled to Africa, I feel quite relaxed about heading halfway across the world. This is because in many ways, Ghana is like a second home. For example, as I…

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August Kekeli Meeting Pictures

This past week 15 out of 20 Kekeli women met for their bi-monthly meeting.  They learned about family planning methods and available access to various options.  Check out the photos below which were taken at the meeting.  More information is on its way about what the women have been working on in their villages.  …

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New Maternal Health Program: Info

As the Kekeli women continue their work in their communities, we are continually looking for ways to support them and improve their training. During our visit last December, we conducted focus groups with the women and people in their villages. It became apparent that improving the teaching and training regarding family planning was a large…

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Semi-annual Newsletter – June 2012

If you would like to read our semi-annual newsletter that came out this past month, please click here!  We are really excited about several new programs that are in the works as well as the ongoing work of the Kekeli women in their villages throughout the Akatsi district.  Thanks for your support these past 6…

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