June 2014 Trip Review: HBLSS Part 1

Presenting the Home-Based Life Saving Kekeli Women! They’re back at it!  The Kekeli Women completed Part 1 of a new program aimed to reduce maternal mortality in their communities.  The women met in June over a two week period in Eastern Ghana to further improve their skills. Previously trained in basic sanitation and hygiene, malaria…

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An Easy Way To Help RHC: Amazon Smile

Call to action! You can help us raise money when you shop at Amazon.com through their new Amazon Smile program. It doesn’t cost you anything. Here’s how: 1. Click this link and sign-in to your amazon account. It will then be connected to RHC. 2. Whenever you shop at Amazon, go to www.smile.amazon.com instead of…

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David with one of the Kekeli women

Meet David: RHC Country Director

David is a true entrepreneur, always in search of the next potential business opportunity. He is constantly on the go, juggling his many commitments, jobs, and mobile phones. He began his career as a teacher and has now moved on to mark standardized tests through the region. His other pursuits include owning a chemical shop…

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Meet Georgina: RHC Director of Monitoring

Georgina is a woman of wisdom and great character. Born in Eastern Ghana, she has been living and working in the Akatsi District for over 30 years. She works for the environmental service, a branch of the Ghanaian government in Akatsi, and she is widely respected throughout the district for her work ethic and honesty.…

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Teaching skills in the rain

It is the rainy season in Ghana right now. From May through July the rains come down, sometimes in downpours for a few minutes at a time and some days it is non-stop. Today was a non-stop kind of day. It was also day four of teaching. The 37 Kekeli women are learning a new…

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Baby Shower for Ghana: We Want Your Babies!

So, at RHC we know that most baby showers celebrate a new expected child in someone’s life.  Our idea of an RHC baby shower is slightly different.  We are asking you to come join us for the first ever RHC Baby Shower Fundraiser and bring us your babies! While real life babies are more than welcome,…

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The Meetings Go On

Despite our silence from time to time on our RHC Blog, the work does go on.  Recently, on March 14th, the Kekeli women came together for their first training of 2014.  They discussed the importance of vaccination, pneumonia prevention, and blood pressure management.  We are also welcoming a new Kekeli woman into our group.  Replacing…

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Words from Akatsi

We’ve been here a little over a week, and we have a handful of days left in Akatsi, Ghana. Time in Africa is strange. This is our fourth trip, and we are beginning to get used to the shift in pace. Time moves forward, but periodically pauses and holds still for a second longer than…

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Reducing Maternal Mortality through Home Based Life Saving Skills Course

Home Based Life Saving Skills (HBLSS) is an educational program that trains birth attendants, community health workers, and community members in specific actions aimed at reducing maternal and neonatal mortality.  The program has been studied in several developing countries where it has been effectively disseminated and has been shown to increase actions to prevent hemorrhage…

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Matching Donations through October 8!

An anonymous (and generous) donor has approached us with an offer to donate up to $1000 of matching donations for the next 48 hours following our Beer for Bikes Fundraiser.  Any donations made before midnight on Tuesday, October 8 will be matched dollar for dollar up to $1000.  This will help us reach our $10,000…

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