Meet Mama Bridget, newest RHC Team Member!

RHC has recently hired Bridget Bockor (“Mama Bridget”) to be the newest Ghana Teaching Director. She will fill the position left vacant by the passing of Comfort Sorkpor, who was the founding teaching director for the Kekeli Program. Mama Bridget is from Anloga, in the Southern Volta Region of Ghana. She is a retired midwife…

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Comfort Sorkpor

  Comfort Sorkpor was a mother of three, grandmother of four and great-grandmother to one. She was one of Rural Health Collaborative’s biggest skeptics until she wasn’t, eventually joining as the Director of Education and leading the team with grit, a deep well of knowledge, and humor that she shared freely. She was a devoted…

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At the Rural Health Collaborative, we have always been working across oceans. With our team spanning Ghana and the U.S., we have navigated different time zones, challenging mobile service and internet reception, and different cultural norms—some of which we are aware of and some of which we surely are not. A year and a half…

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