Kekeli Update

The Kekeli women have continued to work, at a distance, in Akatsi. The Kekeli women, along with the Ghana team, have been busy hanging educational posters to help prevent the spread of COVID in their communities. 

The Kekeli women are looking forward to getting back to work. They have been developing a plan, in collaboration with the local health authorities, on how to do so safely. Their monthly meetings are going to start back up again, but they will be dividing into two separate groups to cut down on meeting size. They are a motivated group of women and have made it clear they can’t wait to continue their health promotion and disease prevention work. We have received many updates from the Ghana team that the communities depend on the Kekeli women for access to accurate information on COVID and other health issues. We have no doubt they are needed now, more than ever, to encourage the spread of factual information.

Thanks to our group of monthly donors, the Collective, we were able to pledge to cover medical expenses for the Kekeli women and their families, should they fall ill with COVID. We are happy to report everyone has stayed healthy and safe!

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