Meet Mama Bridget, newest RHC Team Member!

RHC has recently hired Bridget Bockor (“Mama Bridget”) to be the newest Ghana Teaching Director. She will fill the position left vacant by the passing of Comfort Sorkpor, who was the founding teaching director for the Kekeli Program. Mama Bridget is from Anloga, in the Southern Volta Region of Ghana. She is a retired midwife…

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Welcome Dr. Brandy Holloman, RHC USA, Executive Director!

Dr. Brandy Holloman has joined the team as the new Executive Director of RHC USA! We are so pleased to have her and all her vast knowledge and experience in public health. We are looking forward to this new chapter and the exciting energy and ideas it will bring to the Kekeli Program! A note…

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International Women’s Day 2019: Balance for Better

When we sat down to revisit the direction of Rural Health Collaborative a few years ago, we recommitted to our vision of ‘investing in women’ as foundational to our work. The avenue we have taken for this is through health, by providing opportunities for women to be community health promoters. When the nursing students from…

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Week One Was Oh So Fun (in photos)

We’re starting our second week here in Ghana (the trip’s about 3 in total), so I wanted to share some photos from our first week with you all. We’ve been having a great time, save some minor GI bugs that we’ve encountered in more recent times. While the teaching began in earnest yesterday, week one…

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Introducing Two New Partnerships: Medic Mobile and InvestED

RHC is embarking on two new partnerships this summer. And they’re related—all aimed to improve the antenatal care (that is, pregnancy care) that women receive in the communities of Akatsi. So who are the partners? Our two new partners are Medic Mobile and InvestED. These two partners do very different work but both utilize technology to improve the…

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Healthy Ghana Mamas and Babies

We started this incredible journey of working in Ghana a little over six years ago. San Diego is the place we all met, it is where we held our first meetings, planned our first trips, held our first fundraisers, and perhaps more importantly, found our first supporters. A lot of friends and family who heard…

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Artist Spotlight: Holly J. Kroening

At RHC we have the privilege of working with many strong and powerful women. This group of women most certainly includes the Kekeli women, as well as those on our board, our executive team, both in the USA and Ghana, and many of you, our supporters. We want to thank you all for being the…

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A Few Firsts from Week One

When we first arrived, I had a hard time counting how many times I have been to Ghana. Not because each trip has been indistinct; but that each trip here has been full of countless learning experiences, challenges and growth. As I reflected at the end of my first week back in Ghana, there were…

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Thank you! Here are the final numbers…

So here they are, THE FINAL NUMBERS… DRUMMMMM ROLLLLLLL, please! 45: Number of miles Steph and Coral ran around Mt Hood 11,250: Mt Hood’s total elevation 8,000: Feet of elevation gain on Steph and Coral’s route 3: Number of toenails lost 13.5: Hours it took to run 45 miles 47: Number of Kekeli women (current…

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17 Things I Learned While Running Round a Mountain

Sometimes you will give your legs pep talks.  Sometimes you will cuss at them.  When you roll your ankle really bad and want to cry you realize you probably shouldn’t because you’ll lose hydration. Sometimes you’ll try and hydrate more JUST so you can squat to pee/ take a break (sorry Coral).   You will go…

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